The Gillette Set DE Blade Sampler Pack


$19.99 USD 


The Gillette Set Blade Sampler Pack includes the following DE Blades: 

  • 10 Pk Gillette Black 7 O'Clock Super Stainless Steel Blades
  • 5 Pk Gillette Yellow 7 O'Clock Super Stainless Steel Blades
  • 5 Pk Gillette Green 7 O'Clock Super Stainless Steel Blades
  • 5 Pk Gillette Nacet Stainless Steel Blades
  • 5 Pk Gillette Silver Blue Stainless Steel Blades
  • 5 Pk Gillette Platinum Stainless Steel Blades


Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Tom Kierstead
Great Shave!

It's hard to beat a Gillette double edge blade shave. Comfortable & sharp!

James P.
Pawn Stars Rick Harrison Safety Razor and blades a better value.

Having used safety razors and blades in the experience with the Gillette brand blades I just bought have made me want to go back to the Gillette Fusion Disposable blades I’ve used on a regular basis.
Maybe I’m having a hard time with the blades, because of the fact I can’t get a hot shower and enough steam in my studio apartment bathroom to really get my face prepared for the shave

Jim Arlotta
Great value, “hit or miss” on quality.

The values there for the price of the blades, but I used the platinum blades yesterday. Unless I was too forceful when shaving, (I noticed that the shave wasn’t like others I’ve had with way less expensive blades purchased at the Dollar General Store $0.99 for five blades in one pack.) Hopefully, the other blades will prove me wrong.

Jerry Nash

I just received my order. And I am starting out with the Gillette Super Stainless blades. I have decided to start slow and work my way up to the Astras. And then, the Feather blade. So far, I am impressed.
Speaking of Shave Nation, the handling of my order was superb. And believe it or not, the owner of the postal center, where I do business, is also a fan of de razor shaving. He is also a huge fan of geofatboy and Shave Nation. Wow. Who would've thought you would meet a fellow de razor shaver,. Let alone do business with Shave Nation. Keep up the good work.

Jorge G.

19 yo male, have very thick hair, the silver blue and super platinum are the only ones that work for me, silver blue is better in my opinion. Glad I bought the sampler instead of just randomly buying bulk.

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