BAKBLADE 2.0 Back Shaver


$49.95 USD 

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The BaKblade© 2.0 DIY Back & Body Shaver is specifically designed to offer the easiest, quickest and smoothest shave on the planet! Our unique patented blades allow our customers the option to Dry Shave or Wet Shave. While our unique blades go to work, our ergonomic s-shaped handle grants you access to all those hard-to-reach areas.

After a Shave Your Face is Baby Smooth, Keep Your Back Just as Smooth!
The New baKblade 2.0 back hair shaver easily removes hair from your shoulders, arms, upper, and lower back area!
Unique Patented Design allows you to remove back hair effortlessly by yourself!
Simply hold the baKBlade back shaver flat with the teeth contacting the skin and move lightly across the back area.
The teeth move along and easily remove the hair with no discomfort, similar to a back scratching tool.
The overall sensation is quite pleasant.


  • Shave wet or dry with the unique patented DryGlide safety blades.
  • Ergonomic patent-pending S-shaped handle grants easy access to all those hard-to-reach areas.
  • Simply detach blade cartridge housing unit from handle to shave other easy-to-reach areas
  • Comes with two DryGlide blade cartridges

Click Here for Replacement Blades

Instructions on the clamshell packaging


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