Merkur 34C Safety Razor Travel Set


$64.99 USD 

The Merkur 34C 2 Piece Razor is one of the most popular razors in the Merkur Lineup.
Two Piece polished chrome razor is efficient and appealing to the eye. Handy travel case with hinged lid for compact protection.
  • Includes a plastic travel case
  • 10 Merkur Super Razor blades.
  • Uses all Standard DE Blades

Approximate Razor Dimensions:

  • Weight: 2.7oz-78g
  • Length: 3.25in-82mm


Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Craig Westbrook
Fantastic 👍🏻

I should have purchased this razor years ago, but for some reason I was fixated on an adjustable. It’s no wonder the 34C is termed the workhorse of the industry. It’s perfect for those with sensitive skin who are just starting out or those with experience already using a safety razor. My first experience with this was a smooth, efficient and comfortable shave with absolutely zero irritation. My thanks to Geo for the many videos he has made on this razor. Give it a try, you won’t be disappointed.

TMA08851 Felipe Ureta

The aftershave spilled so I lost about a third of it, and the brush does not fit the brush holder. I paid for express delivery, 2 day they said took far longer than that. I'm loving the safety razor and all the products

Christian Zaragoza

Great saftey razor. Probably won't need another until this thing bites the dust. Gives an excellent shave and the selling point for me was the two piece design. Can't forget to thank GeoFatBoy for his great youtube reviews and tutorials.

Walt Tanimoto
A Fantastic Razor for Daily Shavers!

The Merkur 34C is a fantastic daily razor! I am a daily shaver and have been using an old Gillette Super Speed razor for the last 15 years and wanted to see if I can get a better shave using a different razor. I found the 34C to be a comfortable and smoother shave than the old Gillette Super Speed and is now my daily driver. The mild razor allows for a comfortable daily shave no matter the razor blade used. I recommend the 34C to anyone new to wet shaving or to the experienced.

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