I received this in the mail the other day and used it with the Oleo duck-base soap I also sent away for. The lather generated proved rich, creamy, and incredibly slick. I like the brush. The ash wood handle is very nice and feels good in my hand. There was no odor that I noticed, although that might have been due to the overpowering aroma of the Oleo soap (Very Cherry, if you're curious). The one thing I have noticed is that it has already shed a few hairs, which I found curious from a company with such a solid reputation as Omega's. I hope that doesn't continue, because I would hate to have to replace the knot so soon after purchase.
I now have this boar-bristle, two Vie-Long horse hair barber-style brushes, and a Stirling synthetic in my rotation. I definitely prefer boar when using the Oleo. I will try it with my Stirling Scots Pine Sheep soap to see if I get similar results.