Muhle R41 TWIST Open Comb Safety Razor


$68.00 USD 


The new MÜHLE safety razor R41 TWIST 2 Piece Safety Razor with precision mechanics and highly functional design: The cap of the razor can be released with a simple twist of the small wheel at the end of the handle. The open tooth comb remains firmly attached to the handle. Used blades can then be removed safely and replaced with new ones.

The R41 TWIST will be favored by all wet shavers who prefer the slightly heavier model and a vigorous (aggressive shaving)  safety razor. This model also fits the RHM SR and RHM SR SET and accepts MÜHLE K1 safety razor blades

The Razorhead - open comb

The safety razor with open tooth comb was developed specially for experienced wet shavers. Due to the principle of its construction, which features a special blade angle, the model allows a vigorous, very direct shaving technique.

As on safety razors with closed combs, the blade is held in place by the curvature of the cap. The combination of open tooth comb and a gap behind the foam edge ensures that the edge is kept free of stubble and residues. This innovative design also makes subsequent cleaning easier.

The shaving result is dependent on the factors beard growth, the density and length of the beard hair, and how these interact with the blade and safety razor. Some will achieve optimal results with a very sharp blade, while others can profit more from gentler blades.

When shaving, the safety razor should at first be drawn across the skin without applying any pressure at all. Shaving with the grain is often sufficient and renders a second shave in the opposite direction unnecessary. The skin should be stretched taut at all times.
The safety razor with its toothed foam edge is predestined for men with a denser, stronger beard growth or for those who prefer to sport three-day stubble. The model variants include handles made of white and black high-grade resin or with chrome-plated chasing.


Approximate Dimensions:

  • Length: 4.2in-107mm
  • Weight: 3.2oz-90g

Geofatboy's AGGGRESSION RATING™ FOR THE R41 IS (9) ON A SCALE OF 1-10 with 10 Being the most aggressive. *Note: DE Blade used with the razor can increase or decrease the aggressiveness of the shave. YMMV (your mileage may vary)

Made in Germany


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Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Todd Klitenic
Great job and super sharp

I have 3 different versions of R41,,love them all

Muhlenberg R41 Twist

Vary nice razor shaves vary smooth. And close. I like the two piece design.

Little beast

Finally my first 2 piece safety razor! As of late I am finding out that I really don’t care for 3 piece razors. Too much hassle. This R41 gets pretty damn close to a straight razor shave. It’s also pretty forgiving just don’t use added pressure, let the weight of the razor do its thing! Hope this helps.

Dillon Rose

This is a great razor. It’s very efficient yet still smooth with a feather blade!

Adam S.
Best damn razor

Extremely aggressive and thats just what I needed gave me an extra zen moment in my shave definitely recommended!

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